CFP & Submission Instructions

IEEE Ethics Reporting

Virtual Conference Overview:

We invite you to participate in the 3rd IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century, to be held from July 22-25, 2021, at CEG Campus, Anna University, Chennai. The conference will focus on opportunities and threats presented by advances in cognitive computing, in the context of Wiener’s technical work and his concerns regarding technology and society.

Norbert Wiener was a mathematician, philosopher, scientist and engineer whose pioneering work in mathematics, computer science, systems control, biology and engineering led to cybernetics (the origin of  “cyberspace” and “cyborgs”). This conference follows the successful inaugural conference in Melbourne, June 2016.

We invite paper submissions that consider Wiener’s work from perspectives across applied, hard, and social sciences, as well as the humanities, fine arts, and professional/industry practice. Conference topics will include:

  • Cognitive computing in theory and practice.
  • Wiener’s fields of work (cybernetics, information theory, philosophy, life sciences, interval computation, fuzzy sets, Brownian motion, analysis under uncertainty…).
  • Wiener’s societal concerns (information ethics, innovation and economic development, robots and work, cyber warfare and crime, science fiction as social commentary, cybernetics and literature, art and design…)

Key Dates:

  • 1 December 2020: Proposals for workshops or larger-scale associated events.
  • 31 December 2020: Early call for peer-reviewed papers and abstract-only submissions, including papers, posters, panels, and round-table discussions (decision by 31 January 2021).
  • 31 March 2021: Regular call for peer-reviewed papers and abstract-only submissions (decision by 15 April 2021).
  • 31 May 2021: Final submission of accepted peer-reviewed papers due, and last call for abstract-only submissions (decision by 15 June 2021).

Paper Submissions:

All submissions will be online via the conference web site using URL –

We invite the following types of submissions:

  • Full papers for peer-review and publication in IEEE Xplore (must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference; 2500-3500 words)
  • Abstracts for paper or poster presentations not to be published in IEEE Xplore (250-350 words)
  • Proposals for workshops, panels, round-table discussions, or other innovative sessions related to the conference theme (please explain relevance to theme; 250-500 words)
  • Authors preparing full papers should consult IEEE conference templates for guidelines on composing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all template text is removed prior to submission: https://

Student Papers:
Student research papers and posters are strongly encouraged.
Special Sessions:
Proposals for creative/experimental session formats are welcome.

Conference Brochure

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